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    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    Books I've been reading

    Hi... remember me?
    This is just a note to share the books I've been reading, lately. A couple of years ago, I read Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.I loved the book, and at the time found some more books by her at a yard sale. Those books have been sitting on my shelf until right after Christmas. I finally picked up the first one, and I couldn't put it back down! The books are a series, called Mark of the Lion. The first book is A Voice in the Wind.It was a little hard for me to get into the book. There is a lot (LOT) of character development in the beginning, and there are a lot of characters. But once I was into it, I really couldn't put it down. I jumped right into the second book, An Echo in the Darkness, the same night I finished the first.I cried my eyes out during the second book. It was so uplifting, spiritually and emotionally! The second book was SO SO good, that I waited almost a month to read the third book, As Sure As the Dawn. It was also very good, but the second book is, by far, my favorite!
    A couple of weeks ago, at the Library, I found another series by Francine Rivers, The Sons of Encouragement, and I picked up one of the novellas. The Priest.
    I am in the middle of this book, right now. And it's all I want to do. I'm also doing a Bible study, loosely based on the Moses leading his people through the wilderness, so I'm really loving that it all ties in together! I told Andy, I've never been so excited to read an Old Testament story!!

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